An online baby log for our second born. Jason Tyler came into our lives on May 31, 2007 and has brought us happiness and many new experiences.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Aunt Jean comes to visit
She took a last minute flight just to see the boys and to celebrate Mom and Dad's anniversary. We had a great visist and the boys just adored her. We took Mom and Dad out to dinner (with the kids) and did some shopping and visiting with family. I so love having her here and miss sharing all the little day to day items with her. I want my boys to feel about her the way I do and have her as an integral part of their lives. Visits like this really help. Here are some of the pics we took and there are more in my Kodak gallery if you want to peruse.
Working mom of three amazing kids, avid horseback rider, disorganized and impatient, human and basically just trying to hang on to the special moments a little longer while making some kind of a mark on this world. Volunteer, writer, caregiver, employee, manager, visionary, inartistic, bad cook, love my family, wish I worked out more.
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