Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Growing right along

Some days I look over at JT and just can't believe how big he is. Where did all the time go? He can hold his head up 90 degrees now, can stand up on my lap with help, follows objects all around and laughs and smiles constantly. Where is the little boy that barely measured as long as Jeff's forearm?

I love the way he smells and the late night feeding when we are alone and I snuggle with him and try to imprint each second to memory. Soon he won't need us at night. He sleeps for 5-6 hours at a stretch now and is down to only one feeding between 10 pm and 7 am. Jeff reminds me of all the late night feedings every 2.5 hours but I still wish they would stay small just a little while longer.

Ethan is so incredible with Jason. He loves his little brother as much as he loves his big brother. He brings him his stuffed dog, kisses him constantly and rocks him in his chair. E even tries to put Jason's pacifier into JT's mouth. Mostly unsuccessfully but Jason is a good sport about it.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another codependent is created

Grandma bought Jason a cute little stuffed dog with a rattle in it. So where is the story in that, you ask? How about the fact that Ethan is now up to 5 babies he carries around and sleeps with and now Jason has his "must have" item. We have to convince Ethan only one needs to go in the car each day and the rest will be waiting for his return. Now the pattern repeats. Jason's entire face lights up when he sees his dog and he rubs his face on the ear and eats his little nose.

And of course, I may be a little codependent on my son. But what Mom isn't?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More Baptism Pictures

Jason's Baptism

This weekend was a full and happy one with family all here to celebrate with Jason. We went to St. Mary Magdalene's chapel and had our son baptised and then had a nice catered lunch afterwards at the Antley house. Mom and Ed, Dad and Joyce and the entire Becker clan were on hand. Jean came from Seattle and she and Michael once again stood up for us and our sons. It meant so much to have Christopher here to complete our family and to have all 3 sets of grandparents. The boys are so lucky to be able to share in that and they were all spoiled rotten.

Here are a few pics before we went into the chapel starting with Dad, Joyce and CJA (who is dressed to impress) and followed by a few Antley family pics:

Some additional pics from inside the chapel. Here is Uncle Teo, Aunt Marie, Mom and Dad followed by Tracey and Nina:

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

2 month checkup

Jason got to go see Dr. Rutledge today. He weighed in at 13.8 pounds and the 75th percentile. Jason was deemed happy and healthy and after a few pokes with vaccines and prods by the doc, we were sent on our way. All he did after that was sleep to recover from the trauma and the side effects. You want so badly to keep your children safe and you read about all the possible complications and make educated decisions but it is still tramatic when they hurt.

Been back at work 2 weeks now. Still an adjustment. I so want to be here and love the challenges of my job but part of me just misses the kids and wants so bad to be able to watch his every breath and be there for all his firsts. I say this but then there are times when I can't wait to get out of the house and drop them off and then the guilt totally overtakes me. I think it is all about a healthy balance of things that make me feel happy, motivated and challenged and spending the most quality time with my family. And if only I was getting steady sleep, it wouldn't be such a hard thing to balance. I dare to complain though since he really only gets up once during the night and looking back at E or comparing to friends, we have it easy.