Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Much needed sleep

We have had a horrid week. My poor Mom came down with Shingles and couldn't be around JT so we scrambled for some temporary care. Jeff and I took a few days off and worked at home and then leveraged Mary Molly for this week. Friends come in handy when they are in between assignments. Phew. She has been great with him and we are able to work this week.

However, if that wasn't bad the midst of all this, we all got colds. Now at least I can take Nyquil. JT and Ethan were miserable and were up multiple time at night with coughing fits, temperatures and overall malaise. We have all been holding it together on a shoe string. JT wasn't able to eat at all and his bottle intake went down to 2 ounces a shot. Yes...I know...he could use the diet....he is wearing at least 12 month clothes right now. But the problem is that if they don't eat more, they wake more. And he is totally off his solids too. He had been doing so great with his finger foods....sweet potato puffs, cheerios, bananas, cheese, etc and he loves his cereal, yogurt and baby food. He does feel he could live without veggies. Then again, so does E and Jeff and that gets them nowhere either.

So then there was last night. Jason got a spot at E's daycare and starts Feb 1st. So we took him to visit yesterday. He had such a blast watching all the other kids scrambling around and they would bring him toys to chew on and then take them away and bring him others. He just wore himself out with everything there was to do. He loved Miss Sandra and Miss Mary and came home and ate a 6 ounce bottle and crashed by 7:30. We only heard from him once between that and 7 am. Amazing. It is like I have my good child back again.

Still no teeth and no crawling. But he can sit for hours, reach everything within a 2 foot radius, and walk assisted. He just coos and babbles all the time and says Da-da for Jeff and Ba-Ba for Ethan. I just get the screaming when he is hungry or dirty. No respect. Last night he was doing some major laughing and splashing in his tub and just giggling at Ethan or when I would play with his toes. He has such an incredible smile and laugh and I love the dimples.

Friday, January 11, 2008


The past week has been full of progress...and a flu shot booster.

  • We can say Dada and can now wave bye bye if in the mood. Probably only to Dada with my luck. :-)
  • Jason is sitting up for ages on his own and scooting if you give him something to push against. Everything still goes in the mouth but he is really interested in all his toys and exploring.
  • Can pick up those little puffs and feed himself...and no longer spits them out and gags. You have to give him about 20 as 5 end up on the floor, 10 on the high chair and stuck to him in various locations, and 5 do indeed do make it in the mouth. No teeth yet though.
  • Will eat an entire biter biscuit and then SCREAM if you take it away or try and clean him up. Have you seen what they look like after eating one of those? Mess!
  • Gets excited when he sees you and even reaches for you. This also translates to: if you don't respond to his satisfaction, he SCREAMS. I can not even tell you how loud he can be.
  • Sleeping 6 - 7 hours at a clip again....FINALLY. We regressed big time in the last few weeks on that end. But beware if he is hungry...five alarm when he sees you coming.
  • Established our temper and authority. Meals need to be on time, toys cannot be removed unless he throws them, you can not sit down between 7:30 and 9 pm (you must walk him).